Friday, July 30, 2010

7.30.10 - Bengaluruuuuuuuuu

I can't believe this is my last week in Bangalore!!! The time has gone by so fast, but I think the timing is perfect because one by one, all the wonderful people I have met here have been starting to move on to new places and new things. I thought that by traveling after I moved away from Chicago I would be escaping from the sadness of saying goodbye to people you love, but it turns out I'm just saying goodbye all over again to a whole new group of wonderful people!! I just didn't anticipate this! I thought I would be doing more traveling, not necessarily settling down like I have done. It's been a different kind of experience than I at first imagined that I would have. I thought I would be doing all kinds of traveling and seeing all kinds of places. But instead I have adopted Bangalore as my home away from home, and have ventured out on a few occasions, but mainly have stayed here, taking yoga classes and volunteering at the hospital and hanging out with friends. I just met an Australian girl who is going on a tour of northern India next week. For 21 days she will be with a tour group, accommodation and some meals provided for and will get to see all the major sites of northern and northeast India in the safety of a group. When I heard her plans I had a pang of remorse for not planning ahead like that. If I had, I would have seen a lot more of the country than at this point I have. But I think that staying in the same place, you get a different perspective. You don't see the place briefly, as an outsider, and you certainly don't see it as a local would, but you do get aquainted with a place and know it with a little more intimacy. And, of course, if I hadn't settled down the way I did, I wouldn't have the chance to do this yoga class which I am loving, or work at the hospital, or meet all the fabulous people I have met. All in all I have loved my time in Bangalore. Once you get past the possibility of sudden death by collision with oncoming traffic, you get into the rhythm of the place and learn to appreciate it. You bring a scarf with you whenever you ride in an auto to block out the smog that flies in your face from the exhaust pipes of the other cars on the road. When you are walking you assume that nobody looks behind them before backing out and you act accordingly. When crossing a river you grab a big gulp of fresh air before you cross the bridge so as to avoid the smell of sewage. You learn how to bargain your way to half the price of a still overpriced auto ride. And these things make life here fun and exciting and most of all, new and different every day.
Next stop is the Andaman Islands. I've been reading in my guide book about them, and the sound fabulous. There is a whole group of islands in the area, the Nicobar islands, that aren't open to foreigners. After reading though, I can see why; the indiginous tribes of the Andamans and Nicobars are all but extinct at this point. Colonialism and the diseases and vices brought with it (commercialism and alcohol, mainly)wiped out the Indiginous tribes in no time at all. Globalization comes at a cost, which is apparently quite steep in some of these remote areas. On that terribly depressing note, we will be staying at a beach hut on one of the islands there...and taking diving lessons with a certified diving instructor! I am excited, but I have to admit, that I am a little clausterphobic when it comes to breathing through a tube underwater. However, I know that I'll be really upset with myself if I don't do it, so I'm going to. It's all booked at any rate, too late to chicken out now. I'm not expecting to have reliable internet service while over it will be a while before I can report on how terrifying it is.
After that I'll be in Dehli and Agra to see the Taj before heading out to Thailand to be with my dearest Julia!!!!! I'm sad to be leaving, but so excited for the next step in the journey! And by the time I get to Thailand, I should be able to post some pictures to liven up this overly-verbose blog! Until next time...

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